Androgyny Image
Androgyny Image

Impossible Man (left of the pair) is the Adam of the comics universe. After leaving his planet and his people, the Poppupians, out of boredom, he arrived on earth to cause minor mischief, but more importantly, intervene on behalf of humankind in various intergalactic disputes with supervillains. Also out of boredom, Impossible Man asexually reproduced himself to create Impossible Woman who, together, cloned themselves to produce two children. Impossible Man embodies both the origins of human androgyny, in his ability to asexually reproduce a woman from his own flesh, and the future of human androgyny, in his ability to clone himself as a means of raising offspring. This innate lack of gender is borne out in the striking physical resemblance between Impossible Man and Impossible Woman.


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Impossible Man/Impossible Woman